"Climbing is just one of my passions; another is helping you seamlessly meet your company’s unique IT challenges with real solutions."

"Scouting the IT frontier is like being out in the wilderness on a rocky ascent – it’s something you never want to go alone or with someone you don’t trust."

Clinging to a rock high above the South Platte River in 11 Mile Canyon I reach back with my right arm to sort through my cams and stoppers to craft something that will fit in this off-width crack.


My left fist and left foot are jammed in the crack, my left shoulder plastered on the rock, and my right toes are smeared onto the opposite face. I look down and realize that I am run out 4 meters on my rope.


A small wave of panic washes over me, my right leg starts the familiar ratchet shake. Deep breath. Falling is not an option. My daughter is depending on me to lead this climb to safety. Intense focus. I place a number 3 cam, pull the rope up to clinch in my teeth, and loop it through the carabineer. I command every last ounce of strength reaching up to climb through the crux and to the summit. 'Belay on,' I yell, and now she can continue her ascent. I hear my 'woo-hoo!' reverberate through the canyon.

I grew up in Colorado’s mountains and rivers. I love feeling alive when I’m outside in the wind and sun, the excitement of a trout grabbing my line, the glimpse of the first elk in the yellow fall. I'm thrilled by the glistening carve of the snow under my skis, the blood rushing into my thighs as I cycle up the pass, and the primordial rush of the death-defying mountain climbing ascent.


A great IT person needs to be part psychologist, part tech expert. I get people. I’m IT and business savvy and I know how to traverse between both.


I’d love to meet and talk over how I can guide you to the business you've imagined. Reach out if you want to talk tech, climbing, fishing, cycling and the adventurous joys of life.

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